How do you, as an adult, view your aging parents?

When you were growing up they were probably at your school activities, took you on vacation, taught you things, worked hard, etc…but what about now?

Do you still see your aging parents as energetic and living life to its fullest?

Or do you see them as too old to continue to do things they once did?

Do you see them as still having dreams?

Is their ‘bucket list’ still half full?

Let me reassure you, growing older does not mean that the dreams, adventures and good times need to stop. In fact, these will be some of the best years of your parent’s life.

Taking Care of Aging Parents

When faced with the daunting task of looking at all the options regarding our aging parents, many don’t know where to begin or how to sort through all the choices available. But in fact, the answer may be as simple as letting Mom & Dad stay put—helping them age comfortably, and gracefully,at home.

Did you know: Seniors fear moving into a nursing home and losing their independence more than they fear dying?

According to a recent study about 90% of seniors want to age-in-place.

In home care allows aging adults the greatest amount of freedom and control as they age.

Let’s be honest here, our home is our castle-our retreat!

We would be very upset if anyone wanted to remove us – that doesn’t change as we add more candles on the cake.

The home setting is the “least restrictive” environment that allows older adults to remain engaged with their typical daily activities and to remain in the community. It gives our parents more choices and the opportunity to be more active participants in their own lives.

One example is Peggy. She was an amazing lady. She passed at the well lived age of 96! She lived through the bombings of World War 2 in England and spent most of her life traveling the globe with her family, never staying put for more then 2-3 years at a time.

Peggy, she lived in her own (downstairs) condo and walked to Publix (a mile each way) everyday of her later years.

With care, when needed in the home, parents are not subject to the rules and regulations of some facility. They have the freedom to choose a doctor, nurse, or when desired, a home health aide that works best for them.

And just like Peggy, they can still walk to Publix everyday if they so choose!

Does in home care make sense?

In today’s hyper-connected culture, in home care makes more sense than ever before.

Advances in technology have brought us gadgets including automatic sensors, when there is a medical need, smart pillboxes and remote monitoring systems share health data with family or medical professionals. As more adult children live far away from their aging parents, technology makes remote caregiving possible.

Many older adults are able to live in their home well into their 80s even 90s (remember Peggy from above?). Many aging parents have no major health concerns, may or may not still be driving, and are pretty self-sufficient.

When the time comes that they and you feel they may need a little extra help, there are in home helpers such as Premier Services for Life that have great services for the aging adult. We make everything better and give you, and them, better peace of mind.

In home care with Premier Services for Life allows you to continue to make memories together as a family and allows your family to stay close with one another, even though you may be far away.

Here is the key: make a plan now!

Do it before it is needed so you and your parents know what is intended and there is less stress when the time comes to implement the plan.

Choose life, and choose to live easy with in home care services from Premier Services for Life.